SCIRT’s design team included individuals seconded from more than 20 consultancies, who worked collaboratively across a remarkable range of projects to ensure a high level of service and outstanding outcomes.
A guideline to inform designers of the pipe profilometer operation, including requesting profile surveys, standards, and the assessment of the survey results.
Tags:pipeprofilometerCCTVdipdesigner guideline
SCIRT proposed that damaged gabion retaining walls could be refurbished by installing anchors through the existing baskets, secured into the ground behind them. This could provide a cost and time saving because baskets would not need to be removed or replaced and, therefore, significant volumes of excavation and backfill work could be avoided with resulting reduced construction time. In order to establish if this solution was feasible, two test anchors were installed by Rock Control in March 2014 to determine if the process was practical and was an efficient means to refurbish such walls.
Tags:self-drilling anchorretaining wallgabion basketanchoranchor testing
A suite of 31 management plans were developed under the Interim Alliance Agreement prior to the start of SCIRT, to intentionally guide the organisation. These plans were reviewed annually and updated as required. SCIRT's Design Management Plan provided the framework for effective design activities and explained how those activities were to be undertaken to meet requirements and support the achievement of rebuild objectives.
A pipe damage assessment tool (PDAT) was developed to give a risk based prediction of pipe condition to avoid the need for a CCTV survey of every pipe in the city.
How separate design teams from previously competing organisations came together and operated in a collaborative way. The consultancy organisations involved in SCIRT's design team were recognised for their collaboration with an ACENZ Innovate NZ Award of Excellence in 2016.
Tags:Competitioncollaborationdesign teamteam buildingworking agreement
The challenges of rebuilding underground infrastructure in liquefaction-prone Christchurch were put under the microscope in a controlled field assessment of the performance of below ground infrastructure in simulated liquefied soils.
Tags:liquefactionburied infrastructureEQCdesign standardsresilience
Asset Owner's Representatives and Technical Leads from the New Zealand Transport Agency and Christchurch City Council were co-located with the team at SCIRT's central office. There were one or two Asset Owner's Representatives and Technical Leads per asset type. Their role was to provide an Asset Owner's perspective to the rebuild of the city's infrastructure.
Tags:decision-makingdesignasset ownerco-locationtechnical advisor
SCIRT developed a Design Guideline for an Automated Flushing Siphon System to reduce the frequency of blockages in the wastewater network caused by pipe dips and flat grades.
Tags:pipedesigndipdesigner guidelineflushing siphon
To share knowledge and make the most of combined expertise, Technical Groups were formed within SCIRT during the design phase for each engineering discipline, including wastewater, land drainage, geotechnical, structures, pump stations and roadways.
Tags:standardised outputcollaborationinnovationnewslettertechnical solution
SCIRT standard details were developed to ensure a consistent approach to common design elements, and to save design time by providing a quick reference to an agreed standard design rather than creating new design drawings of the same element.
Tags:standards detailstechnical groupConstruction Standard Specification (CSS)
SCIRT integrated standardised software systems and developed macro tools to maximise design and drawing efficiencies. One of these systems was AutoCAD, used for construction and as-built drawing preparation.
Tags:AutoCADLISPdesign toolsoftware
The attached paper shares the assessment and prioritisation philosophy created for approximately 1000 Christchurch City Council retaining wall assets within the Port Hills in Christchurch. Following this assessment, a prioritisation score was developed for each wall which was used to select and prioritise the repair of 440 walls that were included in the SCIRT rebuild programme.
Tags:prioritisationretaining wallasset assessment
The Canterbury earthquakes caused significant damage to Christchurch City Council-owned retaining walls. SCIRT assessed approximately 3000 walls then designed repair or rebuild solutions for 440 walls within SCIRT's scope of work.
Tags:designretaining wallasset assessmentgeotechnical
With the SCIRT programme involving people from hundreds of different organisations, it was key that everyone used the same terminology to avoid confusion and errors throughout design and in the preparation of construction drawings and specifications for roading related earthquake repairs.
Tags:roading terminologyrepairrestorationrebuilddesign
The SCIRT design library was created to provide an accessible (single) location for electronic design-related information to be held for use by the design team.
Tags:resourcedesign librarytemplatelibrarydocument
12d Model was the terrain modelling, surveying and civil engineering software package selected for design at SCIRT.
Among Christchurch's most hard-hit earthquake-damaged facilities was the Huntsbury Reservoir. Water drained from the shattered 35,000-cubic-metre storage basin, the city's principal drinking water storage facility. Innovative design and prompt decision-making proved paramount in the rebuild process.
Tags:reservoirpump stationshear zonetunnel
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