Flexibility and well-defined processes were key to the management of the SCIRT programme. The initially unknown scale of damage and funding uncertainties contributed to an ever-evolving scope. The impact of such a large programme of work on the recovering Christchurch community had to be carefully and strategically managed.
When weighing up wastewater asset rebuild options, SCIRT designers made decisions on a "whole of life" basis. To help decision-making, a Net Present Value (NPV) analysis was used.
Tags:Riskresiliencewhole of life costNPVdesign
An interactive web-based platform for stakeholders to observe active and planned works to aid coordination and planning and to enable the mitigation of spatial and traffic conflicts.
Tags:traffic managementtransport planningtraffic impactroad worksnetwork capacity
This suite of documents provided a comprehensive programme management tool for the definition, prioritisation, design and construction of interdependent projects within a central city environment. The documents were developed and used for an intensive post-disaster rebuild but had other applications with similar operating parameters.
Tags:coordinationanchor projectblueprintCentral CityCBD
The use of global resource consents provided a consistent consenting framework across the SCIRT rebuild programme.
Tags:collaborationresource consentenvironmentframeworkcompliance
From "glow in the dark" glass to a moa toe bone, the rebuild of Christchurch's horizontal infrastructure uncovered a remarkable array of artefacts.
Awards presented to contractors during the five-year SCIRT programme recognised outstanding safety performance - many of which are being adopted to improve safety in the wider construction industry.
Tags:safetyperformanceinnovationBill Perryaward
The asset assessment team faced a daunting - and often confronting - task to uncover the hidden depths and coarse layers of damage caused by multiple quakes rolling across Christchurch, leaving behind the shattered horizontal infrastructure.
Tags:storm waterwastewaterdamageAssessmentasset
Prioritising the SCIRT rebuild work involved understanding and managing the influences on the programme while completing the most important projects first.
Innovative intervention and aspirational steps propelled the pursuit of higher safety standards. Policy and best practice were redefined as SCIRT helped power the shift, driving the construction industry to reset the health and safety benchmark.
Tags:healthzero harmprotectionwell-beingsafety
SCIRT faced a mammoth task coordinating its huge work programme with utility companies with their own extraordinary repair requirements. The risks demanded a higher level of collaboration and planning than previously undertaken.
ECI centred on early engagement between multiple parties - asset owners, designers and constructors - covering scope, cost-effective outcomes and best practice and maximum value processes.
Tags:Riskdesignearly contractor involvementconstructability
Academic studies detailing how SCIRT used KPIs to drive innovation.
Tags:innovationkey performance indicatorKPIproductivitystudy
An abstract of a Master of Engineering thesis for the University of Canterbury. The research focuses on non-cost performance measurement and management of the Christchurch rebuild programme.
Tags:post-disasterperformance measurementcommercial modelcase study
Initiated by the SCIRT environmental leadership group as a breakthrough challenge, the Civil Contractors' Environmental Guide (CCEG) was created to provide contractors with environmental guidance across all project stages.
Tags:regulationenvironmentguidecontrolbest practice
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