Having reliable data and information is essential to making the right decisions for an organisation. SCIRT’s purpose-built business systems ensured everyone in the large and complex organisation had visibility of progress and access to all relevant information.
Several business systems were chosen to provide efficient and effective data collation, storage, interrogation and reporting for the SCIRT rebuild, using modern, accurate and appropriate technologies. One of those was a Geographic Information System (GIS).
Tags:technologydata managementGISsystemviewer
The Financial Management Plan outlines SCIRT's commercial framework, financial principles and processes for a financially effective alliance. It also describes how timely, accurate information relating to estimating and all costs have been managed and reported for each project phase in the SCIRT programme.
ProjectCentre enabled the integration of correspondence, documentation and data for post-earthquake design, planning and construction phases to lift efficiency, lower costs and improve decision-making.
Tags:ProjectCentreworkflowweb-based systemdocumentationCommunication
Global Positioning System (GPS) cameras were used throughout the SCIRT programme to take site photos, which were then uploaded and displayed as a layer on the SCIRT GIS (Geographic Information System) Viewer.
Tags:GISGeographic Information SystemphotoGPSglobal positioning system
To ensure high-quality, standardised data were delivered to clients, SCIRT's Geographic Information System (GIS) Team created a dynamic process governance model.
The Geospatial Information System (GIS) team updated and delivered complete geospatial datasets for more than 200,000 council assets. To aid this process, they tailored two mobile applications that sped up and increased the accuracy of data collection.
Tags:data collectionGIStechnologyappapplication
Rebuilding horizontal infrastructure proved to be a mammoth undertaking. With 740 projects, up to 2000 staff and a $2.2 billion budget, purpose-designed business systems were vital to manage the complex programme of SCIRT works.
Tags:dataprojectGISbusiness systemsfinancial
From day one, data and information were vital to ensure informed decisions about what to do, where and when. Ensuring visibility and availability was top priority.
How do you control the money in a post-disaster rebuild context?
Tags:commercialtarget out-turn costbudgetmodelconstruction
Accurate estimating was a vital element in controlling costs and demonstrating the best value for money in the long run.
Tags:infrastructureestimateestimatorTOCMorrison Low
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