Thousands of people from a range of disciplines, different backgrounds and from around the world united under the SCIRT umbrella into a high-performance “team of teams” to deliver its massive programme of work.
A case study was carried out by research and consulting group Resilient Organisations on what made SCIRT an effective organisation, based on an interview with Duncan Gibb (founding Executive General Manager, SCIRT), Belinda de Zwart (HR and Peak Performance Manager), and Rod Cameron (Value Manager).
Tags:intentionalityleadershipdecision-makingculturehigh performance
SCIRT's Training Centre worked closely with Civil Contractors New Zealand (CCNZ), Connexis (the Industry Training Organisation (ITO) for the Civil Infrastructure industry) and other industry leaders to develop a Civil Trade certification.
To resource the SCIRT infrastructure rebuild programme, an additional 600 operational workers were needed.
In January 2012 a capability analysis identified the SCIRT programme needed 600 more operational team members than were available locally. This raised a significant programme risk of having a workforce with many new entrants and under-skilled resources.
SCIRT, Civil Contractors New Zealand and Connexis drove the creation of an industry-wide Training Advisory Group.
Tags:advisory groupcollaborationtrainingqualification
A SCIRT Women in Construction (SWIC) working group was established to raise the visibility of women working in operational roles.
A powerful photographic montage captured the SCIRT journey in a special memento book for staff.
More than 2000 people from over 100 organisations joined forces under the SCIRT umbrella at the post-earthquake peak of the rebuild. Hundreds of people came and went, bringing innovation and tenacity to an enormous task.
Tags:civiltrainingworkforcerecruitmenthuman resources
Wanting to create a better environment for the residents of an earthquake-hit city, the Stronger Christchurch Infrastructure Rebuild Team (SCIRT) and the New Zealand Red Cross (NZRC) joined forces to identify opportunities for project collaboration.
Tags:collaborationRed Crosscommunityhumanitarianrecovery
An integral enabler of SCIRT's capability and culture was the use of peak performance coaches.
Tags:culturehuman resourcescoachingcoachpeak performance
Observers attributed much of SCIRT's success to the culture that created a unique environment and experience for team members, which, in turn, resulted in outstanding outcomes for the people of Christchurch.
Tags:culturehigh performanceintentionalityhuman resourcesorganisational development
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