SCIRT Delivery Teams and their subcontractors were united in creating innovative solutions that ensured value for money amid a remarkable range of horizontal infrastructure projects and far-reaching safety and environmental initiatives.
A suite of 31 management plans were developed under the Interim Alliance Agreement prior to the start of SCIRT, to intentionally guide the organisation. These plans were reviewed annually and updated as required. The Construction Management Plan details how SCIRT managed its construction work and ensured a consistent best practice approach across the approximately 700 projects in the rebuild programme.
A research project on the traffic and transport planning undertaken to support the rebuild of Christchurch's horizontal infrastructure by keeping traffic disruption to an acceptable level while maintaining accessibility to key amenities and limiting congestion.
Tags:traffic managementtransport planningtraffic impactroad worksnetwork capacity
Christchurch's flat and liquefaction-prone ground prompted an investigation into new methods of pipe installation.
Tags:specificationpipedesignstorm waterwastewater
Best practice traffic management to help slow motorists travelling through roadworks.
Tags:traffic managementspeed treatmentTSLtemporary speed limitmotorist compliance
A best practice guideline for cyclists which aims to safely manage cyclists through roadwork sites.
Tags:cyclistguidelinesafetytraffic managementbest practice
The SCIRT pro forma was created to reduce the amount of generic and repetitive information in a Traffic Management Plan (TMP).
Tags:traffic managementpro formaTMPtraffic management plan
As an alternative to formal worksite traffic management auditing, regular site checks were implemented to focus on the more significant issues on worksites. The aim was to ensure better standards of compliance with the Code of Practice for Temporary Traffic Management (CoPTTM), and also to help upskill site traffic management staff and the industry generally.
Tags:site checkaudittraffic managementwork site
SCIRT navigated an unstable site and the discovery of rock-loving lizards to swing into action from a movable platform to deliver the "Best Public Works Project" in 2015.
Tags:innovationretaining wallstabilisationmovable platform
Christchurch's Bridge of Remembrance and Memorial Arch was one of the city's most treasured remaining historic structures left standing after earthquakes scarred the region. Its restoration required innovation and imagination.
Tags:war memorialbase isolationrestorationBridge of RemembranceMemorial Arch
Christchurch was a limited user of pipe lining for underground pipe repairs but that changed after the earthquakes because of the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of this well-established type of trenchless technology.
Tags:pipetrenchlesspipe liningspiral woundcured-in-place
The construction of a new seawall on Beachville Road in Redcliffs was a demanding SCIRT project which won praise from residents and the construction industry alike.
Tags:ripraprevetmentReno mattressconstructionseawall
With more than 250 heritage buildings in Christchurch and Banks Peninsula demolished after the 2010 and 2011 earthquakes, preserving and protecting those heritage structures that survived took on greater significance for the people of Christchurch.
High groundwater levels could undermine site stability during excavation work as foundation soils failed to support a structure. Considering the site "dewatering" risk and potential solutions were all part of the design process for SCIRT.
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