With more than 250 heritage buildings in Christchurch and Banks Peninsula demolished after the 2010 and 2011 earthquakes, preserving and protecting those heritage structures that survived took on greater significance for the people of Christchurch.
How separate design teams from previously competing organisations came together and operated in a collaborative way. The consultancy organisations involved in SCIRT's design team were recognised for their collaboration with an ACENZ Innovate NZ Award of Excellence in 2016.
Tags:Competitioncollaborationdesign teamteam buildingworking agreement
To share knowledge and make the most of combined expertise, Technical Groups were formed within SCIRT during the design phase for each engineering discipline, including wastewater, land drainage, geotechnical, structures, pump stations and roadways.
Tags:standardised outputcollaborationinnovationnewslettertechnical solution
SCIRT's Training Centre worked closely with Civil Contractors New Zealand (CCNZ), Connexis (the Industry Training Organisation (ITO) for the Civil Infrastructure industry) and other industry leaders to develop a Civil Trade certification.
SCIRT, Civil Contractors New Zealand and Connexis drove the creation of an industry-wide Training Advisory Group.
Tags:collaborationtrainingqualificationadvisory group
A SCIRT Women in Construction (SWIC) working group was established to raise the visibility of women working in operational roles.
Wanting to create a better environment for the residents of an earthquake-hit city, the Stronger Christchurch Infrastructure Rebuild Team (SCIRT) and the New Zealand Red Cross (NZRC) joined forces to identify opportunities for project collaboration.
Tags:recoverycollaborationRed Crosscommunityhumanitarian
The use of global resource consents provided a consistent consenting framework across the SCIRT rebuild programme.
Tags:collaborationresource consentenvironmentframeworkcompliance
To manage the infrastructure rebuild following the Christchurch earthquakes, one of New Zealand's largest natural disasters, a new model was created, which utilised both competition and collaboration to drive performance.
Tags:Competitioncollaborationallianceperformancegain share/pain share
The first Executive General Manager of SCIRT, Duncan Gibb, was appointed as the 10th Brunel International Lecturer in 2013 and made an honorary Fellow of the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE).
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