Home / Programme Management / Health and Safety Health and Safety Innovative intervention and aspirational steps propelled the pursuit of higher safety standards. Policy and best practice were redefined as SCIRT helped power the shift, driving the construction industry to reset the health and safety benchmark. Fears of fatalities and life-changing injuries powered the urgent need for a workplace safety overhaul as the Christchurch rebuild gathered momentum. Business as usual (BAU) incident rates for New Zealand indicated several people could die each year during the post-earthquake programme of works. In unison, government, business and unions sought speedy solutions to defy the BAU odds. SCIRT management joined a meeting of construction industry minds that resulted in the formation of the Canterbury Rebuild Safety Charter. To learn more about SCIRT’s approach to keeping its people and the community safe, see the attachments below. Glossary terms: key performance indicators (KPIs) personal protective equipment (PPE) Tags:healthzero harmprotectionwell-beingsafety