Home / People and Culture / SCIRT and Red Cross Collaboration SCIRT and Red Cross Collaboration Wanting to create a better environment for the residents of an earthquake-hit city, the Stronger Christchurch Infrastructure Rebuild Team (SCIRT) and the New Zealand Red Cross (NZRC) joined forces to identify opportunities for project collaboration. Post-quake, SCIRT and NZRC shared a purpose-built office in pursuit of a shared goal of aiding the recovery of the city and the multiple communities left traumatised. Co-working helped lead to the realisation of those goals. Utilising the strengths and skills of an engineering entity and a humanitarian organisation, a “design thinking” workshop in February 2015 focused on collaborative opportunities that could be trialled. Concepts were identified, prototyped and refined. For further information, see the attachments below. Glossary terms: NZRC – New Zealand Red Cross Tags:communityhumanitarianrecoverycollaborationRed Cross