A destructive wave of earthquakes in Christchurch required an innovative, efficient and cost-effective response: a delivery vehicle, named SCIRT, that was capable of managing the huge scale and complexity of the horizontal infrastructure rebuild.
From the outset there was a determination that SCIRT would establish and maintain a focus on delivering value from its activities. The Value of SCIRT report describes the process and outcomes.
To manage the infrastructure rebuild following the Christchurch earthquakes, one of New Zealand's largest natural disasters, a new model was created, which utilised both competition and collaboration to drive performance.
Tags:allianceperformancegain share/pain shareCompetitioncollaboration
A set of Management Plans were developed during SCIRT's lifetime to intentionally guide the organisation. These plans were reviewed annually and updated as required. SCIRT's Programme Management Plan was the overarching plan that listed all the other plans and provided an overview of their contents.
Tags:management planplanfounding documentstrategyintention
The SCIRT Alliance Agreement laid down a challenging and comprehensive set of objectives for the new organisation set up for the $2.2 billion rebuild of Christchurch's publicly-owned horizontal infrastructure following the February 22, 2011 earthquake.
At the beginning, there was an alliance. Multiple contractors collaborated with government agencies for the greater good of an earthquake-battered community craving a resilient rebuilt city. It was the genesis of SCIRT.
The first Executive General Manager of SCIRT, Duncan Gibb, was appointed as the 10th Brunel International Lecturer in 2013 and made an honorary Fellow of the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE).
A brief outline of the challenges faced by SCIRT, along with the rebuild entity's successful initiatives and lessons.
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