A best practice guideline for cyclists which aims to safely manage cyclists through roadwork sites.
Tags:safetytraffic managementbest practicecyclistguideline
Work site information days were a positive way to build relationships with the local community. The public was invited to visit the site on a set day and meet the people working there.
School visits were an important communications tool SCIRT used to promote to children how to keep safe around its work sites and to inform local people about its work.
Tags:pupilwork siteCommunicationsafetyschool
Awards presented to contractors during the five-year SCIRT programme recognised outstanding safety performance - many of which are being adopted to improve safety in the wider construction industry.
Tags:safetyperformanceinnovationBill Perryaward
Innovative intervention and aspirational steps propelled the pursuit of higher safety standards. Policy and best practice were redefined as SCIRT helped power the shift, driving the construction industry to reset the health and safety benchmark.
Tags:healthzero harmprotectionwell-beingsafety
SCIRT faced a mammoth task coordinating its huge work programme with utility companies with their own extraordinary repair requirements. The risks demanded a higher level of collaboration and planning than previously undertaken.
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