From the outset there was a determination that SCIRT would establish and maintain a focus on delivering value from its activities. The Value of SCIRT report describes the process and outcomes.
The Financial Management Plan outlines SCIRT's commercial framework, financial principles and processes for a financially effective alliance. It also describes how timely, accurate information relating to estimating and all costs have been managed and reported for each project phase in the SCIRT programme.
Awards presented to contractors during the five-year SCIRT programme recognised outstanding safety performance - many of which are being adopted to improve safety in the wider construction industry.
Tags:performanceinnovationBill Perryawardsafety
To manage the infrastructure rebuild following the Christchurch earthquakes, one of New Zealand's largest natural disasters, a new model was created, which utilised both competition and collaboration to drive performance.
Tags:Competitioncollaborationallianceperformancegain share/pain share
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