Christchurch's flat and liquefaction-prone ground prompted an investigation into new methods of pipe installation.
Tags:pipedesignstorm waterwastewaterspecification
A suite of 31 management plans were developed under the Interim Alliance Agreement prior to the start of SCIRT, to intentionally guide the organisation. These plans were reviewed annually and updated as required. SCIRT's Design Management Plan provided the framework for effective design activities and explained how those activities were to be undertaken to meet requirements and support the achievement of rebuild objectives.
Asset Owner's Representatives and Technical Leads from the New Zealand Transport Agency and Christchurch City Council were co-located with the team at SCIRT's central office. There were one or two Asset Owner's Representatives and Technical Leads per asset type. Their role was to provide an Asset Owner's perspective to the rebuild of the city's infrastructure.
Tags:decision-makingdesignasset ownerco-locationtechnical advisor
SCIRT developed a Design Guideline for an Automated Flushing Siphon System to reduce the frequency of blockages in the wastewater network caused by pipe dips and flat grades.
Tags:pipedesigndipdesigner guidelineflushing siphon
The Canterbury earthquakes caused significant damage to Christchurch City Council-owned retaining walls. SCIRT assessed approximately 3000 walls then designed repair or rebuild solutions for 440 walls within SCIRT's scope of work.
Tags:designretaining wallasset assessmentgeotechnical
With the SCIRT programme involving people from hundreds of different organisations, it was key that everyone used the same terminology to avoid confusion and errors throughout design and in the preparation of construction drawings and specifications for roading related earthquake repairs.
Tags:rebuilddesignroading terminologyrepairrestoration
12d Model was the terrain modelling, surveying and civil engineering software package selected for design at SCIRT.
When weighing up wastewater asset rebuild options, SCIRT designers made decisions on a "whole of life" basis. To help decision-making, a Net Present Value (NPV) analysis was used.
Tags:whole of life costNPVdesignRiskresilience
ECI centred on early engagement between multiple parties - asset owners, designers and constructors - covering scope, cost-effective outcomes and best practice and maximum value processes.
Tags:Riskdesignearly contractor involvementconstructability
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