SCIRT navigated an unstable site and the discovery of rock-loving lizards to swing into action from a movable platform to deliver the "Best Public Works Project" in 2015.
Tags:innovationretaining wallstabilisationmovable platform
SCIRT proposed that damaged gabion retaining walls could be refurbished by installing anchors through the existing baskets, secured into the ground behind them. This could provide a cost and time saving because baskets would not need to be removed or replaced and, therefore, significant volumes of excavation and backfill work could be avoided with resulting reduced construction time. In order to establish if this solution was feasible, two test anchors were installed by Rock Control in March 2014 to determine if the process was practical and was an efficient means to refurbish such walls.
Tags:retaining wallgabion basketanchoranchor testingself-drilling anchor
The attached paper shares the assessment and prioritisation philosophy created for approximately 1000 Christchurch City Council retaining wall assets within the Port Hills in Christchurch. Following this assessment, a prioritisation score was developed for each wall which was used to select and prioritise the repair of 440 walls that were included in the SCIRT rebuild programme.
Tags:prioritisationretaining wallasset assessment
The Canterbury earthquakes caused significant damage to Christchurch City Council-owned retaining walls. SCIRT assessed approximately 3000 walls then designed repair or rebuild solutions for 440 walls within SCIRT's scope of work.
Tags:retaining wallasset assessmentgeotechnicaldesign
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