
Asset Owner’s Representatives and Technical Leads

Asset Owner’s Representatives and Technical Leads from the New Zealand Transport Agency and Christchurch City Council were co-located with the team at SCIRT’s central office. There were one or two Asset Owner’s Representatives and Technical Leads per asset type. Their role was to provide an Asset Owner’s perspective to the rebuild of the city’s infrastructure.

Asset Owner’s Representatives worked closely with the Project Definition, Asset Assessment and Design teams to assist with developing SCIRT’s scope of work in accordance with the Asset Owner’s standards and guidelines.

Technical Leads worked as technical advisors with Design teams through the detailed design and construction phases of projects.

Some of the benefits from having Asset Owner’s Representatives and Technical Leads as part of a co-located team included:

  • Providing expert, hands-on, in-depth, historical knowledge of the assets and their management, including technical understanding.
  • Fast, expert advice to assist with trouble shooting and issues arising.
  • Assisting designers to understand special circumstances, risk and issues likely to affect design and construction.
  • Supply of expert knowledge of Asset Owner’s systems, policies and procedures.
  • Bridging the gap – providing a single point of contact for the SCIRT team with the Asset Owners, and business as usual asset maintenance teams.
  • Providing an Asset Owner’s strategic, whole-of-network viewpoint and advocacy and an understanding of the impacts of decisions on related assets. This included whole-of-life considerations, funding implications, and developing innovations.
  • Providing Asset Owners with confidence in decision making.
  • Enabling faster, better informed decision-making and technical assistance, resulting in expedited workflow.


Asset Owner's Representative Role Description - Stormwater Cover
Asset Owner's Representative Role Description - Stormwater

An example of a paper which explains the role of an Asset Owner's Representative - Stormwater at SCIRT.


396.18 KB

Asset Owner's Representative Role Description - Transport Structures Cover
Asset Owner's Representative Role Description - Transport Structures

An example of a paper which explains the role of an Asset Owner's Representative - Transport Structures at SCIRT.


424.19 KB

Asset Owner's Representative Role Description - Water Supply Cover
Asset Owner's Representative Role Description - Water Supply

An example of a paper which explains the role of an Asset Owner's Representative - Water Supply at SCIRT.


396.98 KB

Asset Owner's Representative Role Description - Three Waters Cover
Asset Owner's Representative Role Description - Three Waters

An example of a paper which explains the role of an Asset Owner's Representative - Three Waters at SCIRT.


397.96 KB

Designer's Guideline 007 Technical Leads Cover
Designer's Guideline 007 Technical Leads

A designer's guideline which explains the role of Technical Leads at SCIRT.


441.50 KB