Home / Finance and Business Systems / SCIRT Geographic Information System (GIS) Viewer SCIRT Geographic Information System (GIS) Viewer From day one, data and information were vital to ensure informed decisions about what to do, where and when. Ensuring visibility and availability was top priority. The SCIRT Geographic Information System (GIS) Viewer was an online map; a portal, which provided access to the geographical information required by the organisation. It allowed secure access to more than 600 data layers and gave more than 1500 users an up-to-date, easy to use city-wide view of all required information. Users were given one of 32 online map view configurations, with restricted views of the data depending on need and security level. The viewer included data from more than 30 sources including the Christchurch City Council (CCC), utilities providers (Orion, Rockgas, Contact), the New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA), the New Zealand Archaeological Association, GNS Science, Land Information New Zealand and Road Assessment and Maintenance Management (RAMM). The viewer was updated more than 2700 times during the SCIRT programme. Key lessons about the importance of visible information: Set up teams and systems to accommodate ongoing change. Seek to understand end users’ needs. The best solutions can be tailored when needs are fully understood. Focus on user experience. Make sure the system is always up-to-date and working. Use data agreements and restrict access as appropriate to provide confidence in system security. A single sign-on system and user request forms makes user access easier to manage. Incorporate tools to allow for the capturing of live data. Enable digital data capture from when the system is first created. A short video was produced by Land Information New Zealand (LINZ) about SCIRT’s web-map: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nl5b0j5syS0 Glossary terms: GIS – Geographic Information System Web-map – an online map that can be accessed from anywhere Tags: