
What is SCIRT?

A brief outline of the challenges faced by SCIRT, along with the rebuild entity’s successful initiatives and lessons.

A purpose-built organisation, the Stronger Christchurch Infrastructure Rebuild Team (SCIRT) rebuilt the publicly owned horizontal infrastructure of roads, retaining walls and bridges and the fresh water, wastewater and storm water networks damaged by the Canterbury earthquakes.

Glossary terms

  • Stronger Christchurch Infrastructure Rebuild Team (SCIRT)


What is SCIRT? Cover
What is SCIRT?

An article that explains the innovative work of SCIRT in a post-disaster environment.


570.25 KB

Christchurch rebuild, New Zealand: alliancing with a difference Cover
Christchurch rebuild, New Zealand: alliancing with a difference

A paper published in the Management, Procurement and Law Journal Volume 168 Issue MP3, which describes a different form of alliancing.


2.26 MB