Home / Construction / Speed Management Best Practice Guideline Speed Management Best Practice Guideline Best practice traffic management to help slow motorists travelling through roadworks. The speed of traffic flowing through SCIRT worksites was raised as an issue early in the work programme, prompting the development of an industry guideline, “Best practice guide for speed management at temporary worksites – Christchurch”. The guideline provided a suite of measures for Site Traffic Management Supervisors (STMSs) to ensure motorists slowed down to an appropriate and safe speed as they travelled through roadworks. The information in the booklet was based on data produced from a speed trial undertaken by SCIRT. Various speed treatments were trialled through worksites and data was recorded to determine the effectiveness of each one. In collaboration with the local road controlling authority, SCIRT used this information to produce details and diagrams for preferred speed treatments for use through worksites, and provided information on their implementation. The guideline also provided details about expectations regarding temporary speed limits for roadworks. The Christchurch Transport Operations Centre has updated this guideline. When released it will be available on the TMP for Christchurch website: http://tmpforchch.co.nz/ Tags:traffic managementspeed treatmentTSLtemporary speed limitmotorist compliance